Thinking about how program planning and delivery fits into the ispresso recommendations....Here's one approach:
The leader of the Big 3 Customer Segment Projects (Kids, Teen, Adult) can focus on programs for their customer segment as part of overall planning for their project. They can coordinate their program planning work with Diane, MPL's Programming & Marketing Coordinator, to ensure overall consistency and effective marketing of programs across the MPL system. Specific program initiatives, e.g. a book club project, can be led as a subproject of the Adult Project by any staff member who has a "passion" for this kind of work and wants to lead the subproject.
This approach would encourage ownership of programs by appropriate staff, and possibly inspire more creative and innovative programming ideas.
Your thoughts?
Another aspect of a system-wide passion-based approach to programming - freedom and time to pursue our passions. For example, a staff member with a passion/talent for running book clubs can take that passion system-wide by running book clubs at all branches. Other staff who prefer direct customer service can than focus more fully on that, freeing up the book club passion person to have time for their passion.
I like that idea but I think there are often many people with the same passions for example, the book club. I was very honoured one time when Nick asked if I would like to substitute for him while he was away. Unfortunately, I had tales so I could not but I would have loved the opportunity.
I also think that there would be resentment when the same people would get to constantly pursue their passions while others got stuck with the everyday work.
Everyone needs some excitement or something to look forward to, in their job.
The everyday is important but there also has to be room for everyone to grow.
Catherine Gl.
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